
Thank you for checking out the Lovey Dovey Photography blog! If you have any questions be sure to contact us. Keep checking the blog for new specials and postings. If you like what you see let us know.

Call or Text: Angela 260-704-8237 or Shelby 260-701-2555

Email: lovey.doveyphotography@yahoo.com

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Keep Trying!

  In case you didn't see, on the bottom of our page there is a little survey because we really do care about what your opinion of us is.  When setting up the survey we didn't want to be totally bias towards good opinions so we threw in a response of "keep trying".  Periodically we check what people vote, just waiting for someone to mark the "keep trying" response.  Well, I finally noticed yesterday that it was marked.  At first the reaction was: "oh no someone doesn’t like us, they think we suck! What are we going to do? Should we take down the survey? We are just developing, is it bad for business?"  Honestly, some sleep was lost over that one little response.  A response that, after much contemplation, can be taken in both positive and negative respects.

  We believe that we are always learning.  Each session we do is a step towards perfection of our talents.  Our style may not be your style and everyone has their personal opinions.  Although the one person who responded "keep trying" may not be saying we are horrible photographers, they have struck our curiosity of your opinions as a viewer or customer.  What do you think of us?  Is there something we should be doing but are not?  What suggestions do you have for us?  As of right now, Lovey Dovey Photography is a work in progress. But someday we hope to be as great as the professionals whom we respect, covet and swoon over their work, and ultimately wish we could be as successful in talent. 
  We will keep trying, whether the response was meant to be negative or positive.  We realize that photography is a tough business and not everyone with a fancy camera can be a photographer.  But we have drive and determination to always do better and that is key to any business success.  Email us your thoughts and suggestions  lovey.doveyphotography@yahoo.com

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sophia turns 1 year old!

It is  so hard to believe it has been a whole year since my little one entered  this world.  It has been a total blessing to us.  She is so beautiful inside and out.  These are her one year old photos that we took the day before her party... a pretty kitty party, the reason for the cat ears.  Happy Birthday to my baby girl! I love you always!
~Mom (Angela)

Not the best expresssion, but she was showing off her painted nails

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wedding Extravaganza!

Its never too early or (too late) to start planning for your wedding.  Whether your wedding is in January or December or even in 2013, we would love to book you!  We are affordable, experienced and ready to capture your special day! Don't need the total wedding package? Let us know and we will price a package met for your needs; bridal portraits, engagement photos, or other special requests. 

***Book your wedding by January 31, 2012 and save $150.00***
***Book your wedding by February 29, 2012 and save $100.00***